Greeners: Journal of Green Engineering for Sustainability <p><strong>The Journal of Green Engineering for Sustainability</strong> or <strong>Greeners</strong> is published twice a year<strong> (April and September)</strong>. <strong>Greeners</strong> is a scientific media publication that contains engineering research results, especially green engineering. The results of these studies can be in the form of products, designs, ideas, and certain methods that can be described scientifically so that they are able to protect the environmental ecosystem for the better, minimizing risks to human health without sacrificing sustainability and economic efficiency. Although not limited to scientific fields, the scope of discussion or topic of articles received by <strong>Greeners</strong> media editors can include:</p> <ul> <li>Environmental Friendly Production System</li> <li>Manufacturing Processes and Manufacturing Systems</li> <li>Logistics and Distribution Management</li> <li>Packaging Engineering (packaging)</li> <li>Product Design and Development</li> <li>Ergonomics and Work Studies</li> <li>Integrated Waste Treatment System</li> <li>Environmental modeling</li> <li>Solid waste management</li> <li>Water quality</li> <li>Environmental management</li> <li>Environmental education</li> <li>Environmental Friendly Technology</li> <li>Renewable energy</li> </ul> <p>We encourage readers to sign up for the publishing notification service for this journal. Use the <a href="">Register</a> link at the top of the home page for the journal. This registration will result in the reader receiving the Table of Contents by email for each new journal issue. This list also allows the journal to claim certain support or readership. See the journal's <a href="">Privacy Statement</a>, which assures readers that their name and email address will not be used for other purposes.</p> Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Universal en-US Greeners: Journal of Green Engineering for Sustainability 3025-6895 Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Telur Menjadi Pupuk Organik <p>Egg shell and soil is a combination that can be used to make organic fertilizer. The purpose of this research is to make organic fertilizer from the basic ingredients of egg shells and soil determine its suitability with the fertilizer standard, namely SNI 7763:2018. Fertilizer design begins by determining 4 sample formulations with different ratios between egg shells and soil. The four comparisons of soil and eggshell samples were S1(80%: 20%), S2(50%: 50%), S3(60%: 40%), S4(40%: 60%). The standards and parameters that are used as benchmarks in this research are SNI 7763:2018 and 4 parameters, namely water content, pH, grain size, and co material. Based on the assessment with the SNI standard, only the fourth sample met the SNI standard. Meanwhile, based on the results of statistical tests with the response surface method, it shows that the ratio of soil and egg shells effect the parameters of moisture content, pH, grain size, and co-mingled material.</p> Deswanto Deswanto Adi Nugroho Copyright (c) 2024 Deswanto, Adi Nugroho 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 42 51 Rancang Bangun Alat Pencuci Kentang Berpenggerak Motor Listrik <p>This research examines the effectiveness of the manual potato washing process and explores the use of an electric motor-based washing machine as an alternative solution. The machine was designed to improve washing efficiency and ensure the potatoes reach a predetermined standard of cleanliness. The focus of the research was to determine the duration required for the machine to wash the potatoes clean. The methodology used included direct observation and literature study. Data analysis was done quantitatively, with the application of Measurement System Analysis (MSA) to assess the consistency of the measuring instruments used. A 5 kg sample of potatoes was washed in three test iterations. Washing quality was measured using a nominal scale that included three key characteristics of clean potatoes. Results showed that 5 kg of potatoes could be washed to cleanliness standards within 10 minutes. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) yielded a P value of 0.787, indicating no significant difference between test iterations. Meanwhile, Gage R&amp;R indicated a Repeatability value of 0.270833 and Reproducibility of 0.010417, indicating minimal variation between tests conducted by different testers.</p> Marni Oktavia Adi Nugroho Copyright (c) 2024 Marni Oktavia, Adi Nugroho 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 52 59 Analisis Faktor Penyebab Ketidaktercapaian Target Output Produksi Cable Modem pada Line FATP <p>ABC Company is a company engaged in the manufacturing industry with one of its superior products in the form of cable modems. In carrying out production operations, the company has set a production output target of 95% each month to be able to pursue product delivery timeliness. However, under uctual conditions the company is only able to produce cable modem output of 74.65% of the total planned production target, this condition results in the company experiencing losses from complaints filed by consumers. This study aims to identify the factors causing the non-achievement of cable modem product output targets that occur in Line FATP. The research data was collected through a questionnaire instrument to 75 workers involved in the cable modem production process. The data was analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques using the factor analysis method. Based on the results of the study, there are two factors that affect the non-achievement of production output targets, namely the Facility Factor with an eigenvalue of 2.593% and the resource factor with an eigenvalue of 1.016%.</p> Sherly Sherly Copyright (c) 2024 Sherly 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 60 69 Perancangan Sistem Validasi Label Kemasan dengan Metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) <p>The research conducted at PT X focuses on designing a label validation system to address customer complaints arising from discrepancies in labeling. The analytical approach employed is descriptive quantitative, utilizing the <em>Measurement system&nbsp; Analysis </em>(MSA) method. To assess the system’s effectiveness, the P control chart is used as a reliability test tool. The design of the label validation system follows the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology, specifically employing the Waterfall approach. The research outcomes demonstrate that implementing the label validation system within the company effectively reduces customer complaints. Furthermore, the system successfully minimizes discrepancies between the labels on finished goods boxes and those on attached components, eventually reaching a point of zero discrepancies.</p> Mulyadi Mulyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Mulyadi 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 70 77 Analisis Perbandingan Metode EOQ POQ Dalam Perencanaan Pengendalian Persediaan Retail Toko A <p>Toko A is a company that buys supplies in large quantities from suppliers and resells them to consumers in smaller amounts therefore inventory management is very important. Toko A ways of managing inventory in the warehouse are still based on intuition. The warehouse gets overloaded sometimes due to stocks that are way too many to be kept causing items to be damaged such as for shirts and shoes making it lose its value. The purpose of this research is to find the best method of inventory planning and control based on the smallest Total Inventory Cost between the method that is being applied by the company currently with Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Period Order Quantity. The result shows that the best method for managing inventory is EOQ which saves IDR25.068.334 for the shirt category and IDR21.909.229 for the shoes category in 2021. The best method to manage inventory from January until March of 2022 is also EOQ which saves IDR1.077.434 for the shirt category and IDR254.632 for the shoes category.</p> Sanrio Febry Lopenzo Jesen Rivara Syara Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 Sanrio Febry Lopenzo, Jesen, Rivara Syara Nasution 2024-05-02 2024-05-02 1 2 78 90