Greeners: Journal of Green Engineering for Sustainability <p><strong>The Journal of Green Engineering for Sustainability</strong> or <strong>Greeners</strong> is published twice a year<strong> (April and September)</strong>. <strong>Greeners</strong> is a scientific media publication that contains engineering research results, especially green engineering. The results of these studies can be in the form of products, designs, ideas, and certain methods that can be described scientifically so that they are able to protect the environmental ecosystem for the better, minimizing risks to human health without sacrificing sustainability and economic efficiency. Although not limited to scientific fields, the scope of discussion or topic of articles received by <strong>Greeners</strong> media editors can include:</p> <ul> <li>Environmental Friendly Production System</li> <li>Manufacturing Processes and Manufacturing Systems</li> <li>Logistics and Distribution Management</li> <li>Packaging Engineering (packaging)</li> <li>Product Design and Development</li> <li>Ergonomics and Work Studies</li> <li>Integrated Waste Treatment System</li> <li>Environmental modeling</li> <li>Solid waste management</li> <li>Water quality</li> <li>Environmental management</li> <li>Environmental education</li> <li>Environmental Friendly Technology</li> <li>Renewable energy</li> </ul> <p>We encourage readers to sign up for the publishing notification service for this journal. Use the <a href="">Register</a> link at the top of the home page for the journal. This registration will result in the reader receiving the Table of Contents by email for each new journal issue. This list also allows the journal to claim certain support or readership. See the journal's <a href="">Privacy Statement</a>, which assures readers that their name and email address will not be used for other purposes.</p> en-US [email protected] (Ir. Adi Nugroho, S.T., M.Eng) [email protected] (Zefri Azharman, S.Pd., M.Si) Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Analysis of Potential Work Accidents at PT. XYZ Using The Hazard and Operability Study Method <p><em>Electricity is a major economic factor in Indonesia. Providing electric power is divided into three processes, namely generation, transmission and distribution. PLN is one of the electrical energy providers in Indonesia which plays an important role in providing sufficient electricity for daily activities, industry and other sectors. K3 is an important factor that must be applied to PLN because it is related to electricity. The Transmission and Substation Service Unit (ULTG) carried out time-based maintenance, condition-based maintenance and emergency maintenance and it was found that one of the workers was not using complete Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when checking the Lightning Arrester (LA). So research is needed with the aim of analyzing K3 in the activity process to determine potential hazards and hazard risk levels. Descriptive research methods are used to analyze the risk of work accidents that may occur during maintenance. This research uses the Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) method to determine the value of possibilities and consequences by distributing questionnaires to K3 supervisors. PT. A B C. The results show six hazards with a high risk level, one hazard with a medium risk level, and six hazards with a low risk level. High risk caused by material, electrical voltage and work attitude. Risk controls include testing equipment and PPE several times a year, refilling PPE, complying with SOPs, and providing drinking water. Hazard control efforts at PT. ABC includes the use of the HAZOP method, implementation of clear SOPs, provision of appropriate PPE, routine equipment checks, and emergency response plans in emergency situations.</em></p> Akh. Sokhibi, Moh Agung Dwiyulianto Copyright (c) 2024 Akh. Sokhibi, Moh Agung Dwiyulianto Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Choosing Vegetarian Restaurant Recommendations Using the AHP Method <p><em>Purchasing activities are activities that need to be carried out by the community to meet the needs of life. Vegetarian restaurants are one of the businesses that sell food needs. However, during the purchase process there is a level of satisfaction from consumers. These levels are influenced by various factors or criteria. The purpose of this study is to measure and rank the recommended vegetarian restaurant rankings and the criteria that affect the purchase process using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of this study are Cafe Abang restaurant (A1) with a weight value of 0.379, the second place is the Kedai Bo Bak restaurant (A3) with a weight value of 0.25, the Sweet Veggie restaurant (A2) is in third place with a weight value of 0.191, and RM. Healthy Vegetarian (A4) with a weight value of 0.18. While the criteria for food and beverage menu prices (C3) with a weight value of 0.311, the second place is the operational time criterion (C4) with a weight value of 0.228, the third place is with the restaurant location distance criterion (C5) with a weight value of 0.216, the fourth place is with the number of food and beverage menu variants (C1) with a weight value of 0.153, and ranked fifth with the criterion of the number of restaurant facilities (C2) with a weight value of 0.092.</em></p> Henry Tandy, Kurniawan Hamidi Copyright (c) 2024 Henry Tandy, Kurniawan Hamidi Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application of House of Quality (HoQ) for Product Quality Improvement in Fruit Salad MSMEs in Batam City <p>Fruit Salad SMEs in Batam City face significant challenges in improving product quality and services to meet customer needs. This study aims to identify and analyze the needs of customers of Fruit Salad SMEs in Batam City and formulate quality improvement strategies using the House of Quality (HoQ) tool. Data were obtained through surveys and analyzed using Pearson correlation to ensure validity and reliability. The results show that all items have a significant correlation with the total score, with correlation values ranging from 0.697 to 0.860 and p-values &lt; 0.05, indicating strong data validity and reliability. Specifically, the item "Price appropriate to quality" showed the highest correlation at 0.860, while "Ease of ordering" had the lowest at 0.697. The analysis confirmed that the formulated strategies based on customer needs can be relied upon to enhance the competitiveness of Fruit Salad SMEs in Batam City. The application of the HoQ tool provided a clear prioritization of quality attributes, allowing SMEs to focus on aspects such as "Good fruit quality" and "Maintained cleanliness and hygiene," which had the highest importance values of 10.369 and 10.000, respectively. By integrating statistical analysis and HoQ, this study offers a robust framework for the sustainable development and competitiveness of Fruit Salad SMEs in the dynamic market environment of Batam City.</p> Sumitro, Ansarullah Lawi Copyright (c) 2024 Sumitro, Ansarullah Lawi Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation Existing Condition of Waste Generated Based on Population and Population Density in Batam City <p><em>Population and population density affect the production of waste generated. The increasing of population and population density in Batam caused by the economic growth. The development of Batam not only led into the increasing of population but also waste generated</em>. <em>&nbsp;Therefore, the aims of this research is to evaluate the existing condition of waste generated based on population and population density in Batam with descriptive analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted in order to know range value, mean and standard deviation of waste generated, population and population density.&nbsp; The result shows waste generated in Batam has increased into 4.81% from 2021 to 2022. Batam Centre District supplies the most amount waste generated (23%), whereas Nongsa District supplies the less amount of waste generated (4,86%). The Daily waste generation rate in Lubuk Baja is higher than daily waste generated based on SNI. Another specific variable in population might be given impact to waste generated, which is ratio comparation of population based on gender. Descriptive analysis’s result stated that waste generated has range value </em><em>12,478,650 – 60,336.220</em> <em>with standard deviation 14,542,363.712 and mean 28,998,778.89. Population range value is 61,497–226,040 with standard deviation and mean respectively 57,227.43 dan 135,304.22. Last, population density has range value 295 – 6,406 with standard deviation 1,907.59 and mean 2,550.89.</em></p> Messal Veronica, Gita Prajati Copyright (c) 2024 Messal Veronica, Gita Prajati Sun, 22 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Simple Modeling of Laplace's Equation on Potential Using Finite Difference <p>Geo-electricity is a methods to measure potential in the earth’s surface. Laplace equation’s second orde is used in natural potential measurement. <em>Finite difference</em> method is used to solve this Laplace equation to get numeric solution. The solution figures the distribution of source potential that gotten from many sides of modeling domain.</p> Delia Meldra, Yopy Mardiansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Delia Meldra, Yopy Mardiansyah Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000