Peer Review Process

GREENERS Journal is an academic journal published twice a year (March and September) published by the Engineering Faculty, Universal University. This research article was submitted to the online journal GREENERS through a peer review of at least 1 (one) reviewers. The decision to accept an article is the right of the Editorial Board based on recommendations from Bestari Partners (Reviewer). Accepted research articles will be available online following the journal peer review process. The language used in this journal is Indonesian.

All articles submitted to Journal of Green Engineering for Sustainability (GREENERS) will be reviewed in double-blind review method. Reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers (double-blind review method). In general, each article will be reviewed by one to two people reviews.

Pre-review process of the article is done by Editor-in-Chief that include:

  1. Focus and Scope: The article being sent should in accordance with the scope of GREENERS Journal, focus and scope can be seen here. The article outside the scope of GREENERS Journal will be rejected.
  2. Plagiarism Check: Plagiarism check and article similarity are done by using google schoolar and turnitin with maximum score 35%. Article that has similarity check above 35% will be returned to the writer for revision.
  3. References: references used in the article are minimum 10 references that consist of 80% primary sources and 20% secondary sources. References use IEEE style and made by using references managing software like Mendeley.
  4. Template: the submitted article should in accordance with the template in GREENERS Journal which can be seen and downloaded here.

If from the four components, there is something not in accordance, then the article will be returned to the writer to be revised. Writer is given time for seven days to revise the article and send it back.

The response of the reviewers will be the basis for the Editor to conclude

  1. Accept Submission: article is accepted to be published without having revision in substances.
  2. Revision Required: the article with minor revision, article is sent to the writer to be revised (when the writer has sent the revision, article can be accepted to be published)
  3. Resubmit for Review: the article with major revision. After revision is done by the writer, article is resubmitted to the reviewer to be reviewed again ( maximum three times resubmit), If the article is not quite right in substance after the fourth review, then reviewer is allowed to give recommendation as Decline Submission.
  4. Resubmit Elsewhere : in substance, article is considered as less suitable and suggested to be submitted into other journal
  5. Decline Submission: article is rejected by the reviewer to be reviewed with two reasons, (1) reviewer rejects because of a reason (not related to articles substances), then the article is sent to another reviewer. (2) rejected article in substance is considered less suitable to be published in journal.

An article was rejected for publication due to various considerations, including:

  1. The article does not fit the scope
  2. The article does not follow the rules of writing scientific papers / do not follow the guidelines authors
  3. The fundamental methodological errors
  4. The author refuses to make suggestions of improvements provided by the reviewer without a logical basis.
  5. There is duplication in publication, where the writer do submitting article in several journal and one of them is GREENERS Journal, or the article has been published in another journal and re-submit on GREENERS Journal.
  6. There are indications of plagiarism of more than 35%