Ergonomic Trolley Design for Sigma Motor UMKM Material Handling Workers.


  • Kevin Ferdinand Andersona Universitas Universal
  • Fuad Dwi Hanggara Universitas universal
  • Adi Nugroho Universitas Universal


Material Handling, Lingkungan Kerja


The development of the industrial sector requires researchers to continue in innovate, from an
industrial management system, workflow design, to product innovation. There are so many
innovations from products that are created to make it easier for users to do their work. But still,
there are many MSMEs that still use human energy to do certain jobs, one of which is lifting
and carrying loads manually or commonly referred to as Manual Materials. Handling (MMH).
In one case of the MSMEs spare part distributor "Sigma Motor", it was found that the workers
still use Manual Material Handling, and this material handling is done repeatedly with the
distance that they must travel in 8 meters. With this distance each worker per minute can manage
to transport 3 boxes at a time. This has an impact on reduced work productivity, the emergence
of pain in workers both temporary and permanent, increasing the possibility of accidents. This
study uses the Nordic Body Map (NDM) method to analyze the most common complaints and
the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method to analyze worker posture. As well as
anthropometric measurements to determine the dimensions of the trolley design for proposal to
MSMEs. This study aims to determine complaints of pain, worker posture when handling
materials, and existing risks. Also, to design a trolley for proposal to MSMEs with ergonomics
studies. With the proposal design trolley, hope that can help workers in transporting boxes of
goods from the loading area to container trucks and in other way. So, the result of this research
is to change a work process on MSMEs in material handling by using tools from the trolley
design as a suggestion to MSMEs to help workers in material handling.



How to Cite

K. F. Andersona, F. D. Hanggara, and Adi Nugroho, “Ergonomic Trolley Design for Sigma Motor UMKM Material Handling Workers”., Greeners, vol. 1, no. 01, pp. 31–41, Sep. 2023.