Analisis Beban Kerja Fisik Pekerja Pabrik Kelapa Sawit di PT X Menggunakan Metode Cardiovascular Load (CVL)


Kata Kunci:

Beban Kerja, Cardiovascular Load, Kelapa Sawit.


The palm oil industry is growing very rapidly in Indonesia today, so that labor absorption in palm oil mills has also increased. The demand to be able to produce Crude Palm Oil (CPO) optimally encourages the risk of physical work load, especially at the sorting station. This research aims to determine the effect of age, gender and cigarette consumption on increasing workload using the Cardiovascular Load (CVL) method. This research was conducted by
collecting heart rate (HR) data from 8 workers using a pulse oximeter which was carried out before work (DNI) and during work (DNK). The results showed the level of physical workload on sorting workers with the CVL method found that 4 employees had a percentage of CVL between 30% - 60%, namely having a moderate physical workload with an age range of 48-54 years so that it requires improvement, while 4 other employees had a CVL percentage <30%, namely no significant loading at the age of 43-47 years. Energy consumption issued by sorting workers averaged ± 107 Kcal/hour.




Cara Mengutip

G. Priyambada, J. Asmura, M. Reza, A. Safriyana, dan W. Aryanti, “Analisis Beban Kerja Fisik Pekerja Pabrik Kelapa Sawit di PT X Menggunakan Metode Cardiovascular Load (CVL)”, Greeners, vol. 1, no. 01, hlm. 8–12, Sep 2023.


