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Vol 1 No 2 (2024): April 2024
					Lihat Vol 1 No 2 (2024): April 2024

Journal of Green Engineering for Sustainability (Greeners) 
Volume : 1  |  Nomor : 2  |  April 2024   |  e-ISSN : 3025-6895

Terbitan ini terdiri atas 5 buah artikel yang berfokus pada kasus Industrial Management, Product Design and Development, dan Logistics and Distribution Management yang telah ditelaah secara substansial oleh tim editorial dan reviewer.
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Diterbitkan: 30-04-2024
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Journal title Greeners: journal of green engineering for sustainability
Subject Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences
Language English (preferred), Indonesia
ISSN 3025-6895 (Online - Elektronik)
Frequency 2 issues per year (September dan April)
Acreditation -
Editor-in-chief Ir. Adi Nugroho, S.T., M.Eng.
Publisher LPPM-Universitas Universal
Citation Analysis Google Scholar, Garuda
OAI https://journal.uvers2.ac.id/index.php/greeners/oai

The Journal of Green Engineering for Sustainability or Greeners is published twice a year (April and September)Greeners is a scientific media publication that contains engineering research results, especially green engineering. The results of these studies can be in the form of products, designs, ideas, and certain methods that can be described scientifically so that they are able to protect the environmental ecosystem for the better, minimizing risks to human health without sacrificing sustainability and economic efficiency. Although not limited to scientific fields, the scope of discussion or topic of articles received by Greeners media editors can include:
  • Environmental Friendly Production System
  • Manufacturing Processes and Manufacturing Systems
  • Logistics and Distribution Management
  • Packaging Engineering (packaging)
  • Product Design and Development
  • Ergonomics and Work Studies
  • Integrated Waste Treatment System
  • Environmental modeling
  • Solid waste management
  • Water quality
  • Environmental management
  • Environmental education
  • Environmental Friendly Technology
  • Renewable energy
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Kemenristekdikti  LIPI  Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia 

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